May is known as the month of Mary, and we are invited to pray the Holy Rosary every day. It’s also the month when we celebrate all mothers, both living and deceased. It is important to honor all forms of motherhood, not only biological mothers, for they play a vital role in nurturing children.
We must remember those who care for children while their mothers work full-time jobs, as well as the teachers who dedicate their lives to educating children they did not bear. In our times, grandmothers take on significant responsibilities in caring for their grandchildren while both parents work to provide.
We also acknowledge those who work in homes as nannies, and single mothers, whom I’ve always regarded as heroes. They take on the challenge of raising their children solo, often in the absence of the father. There are countless expressions of motherhood present in our society today.
I extend an invitation to all mothers, grandmothers, single mothers, teachers, babysitters, nannies, and others, to deepen their devotion to Mary during the month of May. We pray for you, and you can pray for yourselves and for those you care for.
The Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan del Valle is a beautiful sanctuary that welcomes thousands of mothers each month, and I am confident their prayers are heard. Mothers have a unique way of reaching God that we men can hardly fathom.
Here at the Basilica, we offer a novena of Masses in the nine days leading up to the celebration of Mother’s Day. Please send us the names of women who have played a pivotal role in your lives as educators, mothers, grandmothers, catechists, nannies, etc.
We will include your intentions in a prayer basket that will be placed on the main altar during the novena. Also, include your names so we can offer the Mass for you as well. Thank you in advance for your generous donations that help us keep the Basilica open to everyone who comes here seeking the tender love from our Blessed Mother.
Fr. Jorge A. Gomez
Creator of the universe and Provident God, trinitarian of community life, we implore Your loving blessing upon our living and deceased mothers.
We thank You because many of them, alongside our grandmothers, gave us the unconditional love that you have for us.
We pray, through the love that You have for us, and through the intercession of Your Most Holy Mother of San Juan del Valle, that You fill our grandmothers and mothers here on earth with Your grace, and we trust that You lovingly care for those who are now at Your side.
Creador del universo y Dios providente, modelo trinitario de la vida comunitaria, imploramos Tu bendición amorosa sobre nuestras madres vivas y difuntas.
Te damos gracias porque muchas de ellas, y nuestras abuelitas, nos enseñaron lo que es el amor incondicional que Tú tienes por nosotros.
Te rogamos, por la intercesión de Tu Santísima Madre de San Juan del Valle, que llenes de Tu gracia a nuestras abuelitas y madres aquí en la tierra. Y a las que ya se fueron a Tu lado, confiamos que las estás cuidando amorosamente.