Novenas are very popular and traditional methods of Catholic prayer. Novena is derived from the Latin “novem”, meaning nine.
A novena is when a series of private or public prayer to obtain special graces, to implore special favors, or to make special petitions.
The prayers are given for nine days straight for the special intention.
The novena is offered as a sacrifice to God. God sees a novena as a sign of devotion especially when the person saying the novena asks for a specific reason.
Celebrating the Feast of the Assumption: A Call to Prayer and Reflection
OUR LADY OF ASSUMPTION NOVENA, August 7-15, 2024 Happy Feast of the Assumption! We celebrate the Assumption of Mary in body and soul to heaven. Our Blessed Mother is one of us; she was as human as you and I. She was conceived immaculate without the stain of original...
Mothers Day Novena May 4-12
May is known as the month of Mary, and we are invited to pray the Holy Rosary every day. It's also the month when we celebrate all mothers, both living and deceased. It is important to honor all forms of motherhood, not only biological mothers, for they play a vital...
Novena Easter (March 22-31, 2024)
Father’s Day Novena June 8-16, 2024
Father’s Day Novena June 8-16, 2024 PRAYER God, Our Father and generous Creator, weimplore Your abundant blessing upon ourDads and Grandfathers. We ask that Your Spiritmay inspire them to be the very image of Lovefor their sons and daughters. We entrust...
Novena Saint Joseph March 11 – 19, 2024
Oracion a san Jose, rezada por el Papa Francisco Glorioso patriarca san Jose, cuyo poder sabe hacer posibles lascosas imposibles, ven en mi ayuda en estos momentos deangustia y dificultad. Toma bajo tu protecci6n las situaciones tan graves y difíciles que te confió,...
By your unparalleled purity, cover us with your mantle, O most holy Virgin of San Juan! With this invocation, we would conclude praying the Rosary as a family when I was growing up. The devotion to Our Lady of San Juan is almost as old as the devotion to Our Lady of...