Dear Parishioners and Friends,
Each day, we encounter both physical and spiritual challenges. It’s during these times we turn to Saint Michael the Archangel for protection and guidance. From September 21st to 29th, 2024, we invite you to join us in a Novena dedicated to Saint Michael, as we seek his intercession in our daily battles and for those suffering around us.
During these nine days, leading up to the feast of the archangels, we will gather to pray for those burdened by mental illnesses, those facing dire circumstances, and for peace in our hearts and in the world. This Novena is a powerful opportunity to deepen our faith and to stand in solidarity with those who suffer in silence.
Please find the details of the Novena below and consider enriching your spiritual life by participating in this solemn tradition.
The Novena:
“Loving God,
in Your Eternal Wisdom,
You gave us Saint Michael the Archangel
as a powerful protector and intercessor.
We thank You for the gift of faith
which allows us to pray that these
heavenly spirits care for
all Your Creation.
May Saint Michael and all the angels
lead us to Paradise.AMEN”
Every day, as part of the Novena, we will gather to recite prayers seeking Saint Michael’s protection and courage. The Novena will be held at the Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan del Valle – National Shrine at 7:00 PM each evening. Each session will focus on a different aspect of our spiritual and communal life, emphasizing Saint Michael’s role as a defender and protector.
We invite you to join us in this spiritual warfare, to arm yourself with faith, and to bring others who might need the shield of Saint Michael in their lives.
“Dios amoroso,
por tu Eterna Sabiduría,
nos diste a San Miguel Arcángel
como poderoso protector e intercesor.
Te agradecemos el don de la fe que
nos permite orar para que estos
seres celestiales cuiden de toda Tu Creación.
Que San Miguel y todos los ángeles
nos guíen al Paraíso.AMÉN”
Invitamos a cada uno de ustedes a unirse a nosotros en la Novena a San Miguel Arcángel del 21 al 29 de septiembre de 2024, donde buscamos la intercesión de San Miguel en nuestras batallas diarias y en apoyo a aquellos que sufren en silencio.
Cada día, durante la Novena, nos reuniremos para rezar pidiendo la protección y el valor de San Miguel. La Novena se llevará a cabo en la Basílica de Nuestra Señora de San Juan del Valle – Santuario Nacional a las 7:00 PM cada noche. Cada sesión se centrará en un aspecto diferente de nuestra vida espiritual y comunitaria, enfatizando el papel de San Miguel como defensor y protector.
Te invitamos a unirte en esta guerra espiritual, a armarte de fe y traer a otros que puedan necesitar el escudo de San Miguel en sus vidas.